Child Abuse Ring Allegations – Judge Raoul Neave & the Canterbury Children’s Theatre

MW wishes to issue the following public safety message on Judge Raoul Neave of Christchurch and Canterbury, also known to sit in the Invercargill High Court.

We posted the story below on the known corruption of this creepy masonic snake some time back and have received the following comment about the man.

in light of all of the ongoing child abuse cover ups in the South Island & New Zealand – the public are advised to ‘do the math’ and exercise extreme caution around this man…and anything he is involved in….not least involving children….

How do they keep getting away with it?

….because they run it!

Peter ELLIS: – Creche kid says ‘I am sick of being called a liar’, DomPost 16 Aug 03!topic/nz.general/AzXThIgqHv8

“Take a closer look at this piece of human dogsh*t Judge Raoul Neave. Guess who appointed him, none other than the ratbag who covered up the satanic police hub in Dunedin in 1985, and according to Gregg Hallett earnt himself a knighthood. Everybody who reads mediawhores this should know “Michael Cullen” by now. That’s who. In 2007. Auntie Hell in Clerks time, just before she disappeared as fast as she could to the UN (the latest UN summit had opening prayers to the God of cannibalism and child sacrifice, see Alex Newmans material) and Gregg Halletts “sworn affidavit and court evidence” material got covered up and silenced by a totally corrupt Auckland district court in 2008.

Guess where this Judge Raoul Neave hailed from as a lawyer. Christchurch. The satanic hub of NZ police corruption according to the material evidence presented by Ian Wishart in 2008. That’s the place where the Christchurch Creche kiddie rapes of at least 100 children took place and Peter Ellis was set up, with at least a dozen lawyers down there (suggest the whole lot, with a bare minimum of 80% by overseas evidence) being covered up, by setting up Peter Ellis as a scapegoat.

The person who wrote the book on the Christchurch crèche case couldn’t understand why Christchurch lawyers were so fast to buy the book up. For further legal research???? That’s the case where Nick Smith got done for perjury or perverting justice. The real perverts of pedo NZ were hanging around Christchurch at this time. Michael Cullen and Nick Smith included, no doubt this Judge Raoul was party to the business of setting up Peter Ellis by the local satanic masonic Constabulary at the time, and making sure the lawyers responsible and politicians and judges and police got off scott free. A real dirt bag for sure of the most vicious, violent kind. Which brings the matter to kiddie cannibalism and torture and the “ratline” of child exporting that runs from Christchurch and from Dunedin to Queenstown. Queenstown now being the place where the wealthy elite are setting up boltholes. Problem is that they have an addiction to the drug of their choice, tortured cannibalised children, and so had a series of ratlines being set up Hence the mass murder of the Bain family when the two girls were about to expose their game plan. Its all about the ratline to service the drug needs of the pedophile elite in Queenstown.

After the mass murder of the Bain family, by the CIA and Mossad, under the Bolger Government, the then Minister of Defence (Warren Cooper I think, who was appointed to that position by the pedo elite in the UK), then went on to become the Mayor of Queenstown. The fact being that the Minister of Defence had to be party to the whole mass murder of the Bain family, as the military step by step method, by which these kiddie killers do their dirty work.

What that means is that the whole f*cking lot get to see and sign this stuff off. Step by step. With matching paperwork for the cutouts to forward to the overview or pedophile steering committee.

One of the recent complaints by the lawyer Frank Deliu of Auckland who complained , and has furthered his complaint to the United Nations since the complaint was covered up by the Law Society, that not only was Justice Rhys Harrison totally inept and totally corrupt, was that ……

No Judge in NZ had ever been sacked.

That even Australia had managed to sack a few of its most totally corrupt Judges.

An apparently undated complaint by Mr Deliu to the Judicial Conduct Commission began:

Note that both Spartan News and Lauda Finem before they were shut down and had their very important stuff removed from the internet had considerable discussion at the corruption of this Judicial Conduct authority.

I write to make a complaint against Justice Rhys Harrison of the High Court on the grounds that he is a racist, or de minimis discriminates against foreigners.
[9 ]In a letter to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner dated 13 August 2008 MrDeliu provided a three page “non-exhaustive” list of his allegations against Harrison J

(including that he should be the first judge in New Zealand to be removed from the Bench

because “his actions bring the administration of justice into gr
eat disrepute, if not outright mockery”) and at para [20] continued:
In my further submission, Justice Harrison, by refusing to further correspond with this
office, is therefore making himself immune to accountability which is anathema to even the most primitive of democratic notions

Coming under the headline of
John kang Published on 2 Sep 2012

Jin Min 3 months ago
Disgusting incompetent bald judge

Wednesday, 17 October 2007, 3:02 pm
Press Release: New Zealand Government
17 October 2007

Christchurch lawyer appointed District Court Judge
Raoul Edwin Neave, Barrister of Christchurch, has been appointed a District Court Judge, Attorney-General Michael Cullen announced today.

Mr Neave was admitted in 1981 and from 1980 to 1982 was a Judges’ Clerk in the High Court, Christchurch. From 1982 to 1984 he was a Law Clerk with Lawford and Co, Grays Inn, London. From 1985 to 1993 he was a Staff Solicitor and Associate with Raymond Donnelly and Co, Christchurch and from 1993 to 1997 an Associate with Flesher Sandford, Christchurch.

Mr Neave has been a Barrister Sole since 1997. He is a former Specialist Adviser (Criminal) to the Legal Services Agency. Since 2005 he has been a Moderator in Advocacy for the Institute of Professional Legal Studies. He has had appearances at all levels from the District Court to the Court of Appeal, both civil and criminal, over 22 years. His principal areas of practice are criminal, civil, family and administrative. For 20 years he tutored in either the Law of Evidence or Criminal Law at the University of Canterbury.

Mr Neave is a member of the Canterbury District Law Society Council
(currently serving as its Treasurer) TREASURER???? and was a member of the District Law Societies’ Library Steering Group STEERING GROUP???? which had the responsibility of recommending how libraries should be organised in the new legal environment. EDUCATION???? He was previously a member of the New Zealand Law Society’s Library Committee and was recently appointed to the new Courthouse Standing Committee. He is currently a member of the New Zealand Law Society Council.
Mr Neave’s community involvement includes the Canterbury Children’s Theatre since 1989, the Christchurch Community Arts Council, the Malthouse Theatre Trust and the Christchurch Dance Education Bursary Trust.
Mr Neave will be sworn in on 7 November 2007 and will sit in Christchurch.

This Judge Raoul Neave is without doubt one of the worst and most connected [associates] of the pedophile elite satanic masonic kiddie killers.”


“The main product is believed to be a choral hydrate based spray, which is used with Hypnovel (roofies ) to leave the little kids with no or little memory of the group rapes , which are normally filmed. The photo is of Dr Paul Quigley head of Wellington A and E – drugs and rapes his patients – and a pedophile. Yeah Nick Smith is connected to them no doubt what so ever I been attack by guy running sex ring from his office in 2007. Former head of nz dentist association , wellington dentist L. Ross Jackson – 86B Esplanade , Raumati South , Paraparumu . Dentists worked out choral hydrate ( like chloform ) could be used for rapes – drug facilitated sexual assaults. If the rape victim remembers nothing it hard to prove anything went on. So they use a choral hydrate based spray with Hypnovel ( roofies ) and victim remembers nothing unless it’s real bad with torture like mine. ? If a person has cash and right connections they can order any child. The pedo do a home invasion and drug all people in house. Then they film the rape of the kids i take it you have gone public with this already . He used to have a chemistry expert Jonathan Sarfati helping, he now is in the states making it for pedophiles there. Interesting to note like all drug making it can be dangerous. One time a fire happened with them both suffering burns to the face/neck area. The person that taught them is retired dentist Mr Craig, 604a Lascelles St , Hastings . From Hastings it’s driven by Mr Craig’s son Robert , approx 60 years old, though to hamilton pedophile Hilton Bennett, and distributed to pedophiles in the Hamilton and Auckland areas. As for doctors involved here a few names, note theses are not the ones I suspect but ones I had personal run in’s with and can 100% confirm they are pedophiles. Dr Paul Quigley, head of Wellington Emergency department. Dr Jonathan Drake, Palmerston North, Dr Quentin King, Palmerston North Hospital ( his brother, and nephew Mathew are also involved), ? Bennett , run lab at Palmerston North Hospital (brother of Hilton , who distributes kiddie rape drugs in Hamilton and Auckland), Dr Holdaway , Palmerston North Hospital ( his brother Stewart also involved ), there quite a few more”


Is Nelson Lawyer Nigel McFadden a Pedophile Minder?

Some analysis on the question – is Nelson lawyer (from the Phoenician root word, Liar) Nigel McFadden a pedophile minder?

Firstly, if you Google Nigel McFadden’s name, various allegations and proven cases of corruption surface, but nothing about being a pedophile minder per se.

In this case we found, he was convicted and fined for deception and fraud – but no specific mention of protecting pedophiles :

The man is clearly a crook- but why the question – is Nigel McFadden a pedophile minder?

Last week in Nelson, the bent lawyer/liar, Nigel McFadden served defamation papers on a well known and valued member of the Nelson community, for allegedly sharing a post on ‘social’ media website Facebook which it is claimed defamed the local National Party MP Nick Smith.

The post is actually of a billboard/ poster that has been doing the rounds a lot in recent months on Facebook. We stop short of re-posting it here, but it states that 5 sitting NZ MP’s have name suppression for child sex abuse and highlights the fact that the public do not know which of their MP’s are kiddie fiddlers, given so many of them are, and because all of  their names are suppressed. It could by any of them. The poster also has a picture of National Party MP Nick Smith on it.

The Daily Commie would like to state here that we have seen no evidence that MP Nick Smith is a kiddie fiddler, only the rumours circulating around Facebook about his close ties to local Nelson businessman Dan Dolejs and the ‘new age’ church next door to his electorate office.

It is often suggested that if anyone wanted to guess which NZ MP’s have name suppression for child abuse, you would simply need to look at the portfolios they have been given to manage. As we have seen in the Westminster scandal, pedophilia is the means by which many Crown agents are bribed and controlled. Those who get the dirtiest jobs are probably the ones to be most suspect of. Which portfolios in NZ are the least ‘pure’ or in the most ‘crisis’ so to speak, is however a matter of personal opinion and certainly not concrete evidence of any particular MP being a pedophile.

The Daily Commie therefore concludes that it appears to be pure speculation and rumour that National MP Nick Smith might be one of these MP’s. There is no hard evidence, and even if there was, it would be illegal to publish it given the names are suppressed.

Now back to the original question – is Nelson lawyer/ liar Nigel McFadden a professional pedophile minder given he is serving papers on people for sharing a billboard that seems to link Nick Smith to the 5 MP’s with name suppression for child abuse?

The answer is quite obviously that if such allegations were true, then yes, the corrupt Nigel McFadden would be operating as a minder for a pedophile ie) helping them keep their pedophilia secret and out of the public arena. Given that we have however seen no hard evidence that any of these rumours are in fact true, then we cannot seriously conclude that Nigel McFadden is a professional pedophile minder.

As stated, the Daily Commie in no way wishes to suggest that the corrupt lawyer/ liar Nigel McFadden is in anyway involved in the protection of pedophiles or pedophile rings in the Nelson community. The issue has arisen purely based on his actions snooping around the Nelson Market threatening honorable members of the community with legal action and given that where there is smoke there is usually fire, the Daily Commie thought it best to analyze the motives for such behavior.

Our conclusion being, there is no hard evidence that lawyer Nigel McFadden is a professional protector of pedophiles in the Nelson community. It is possible that he has seen through his days of ripping his business partners off and committing fraud, and now simply spends his time trying to help people and contribute to the Nelson community in a positive and productive way.


Nelson Lawyer – Nigel McFadden – even though he has beedie little eyes and looks a little strange – there is no evidence that he is involved in the protection of pedophiles in the Nelson Community.



Is Dr Matthew Farry of Unitec a Tax Payer Funded Lying Commie Fraud?

Tax payer funded Dr Matthew Farry appeared yesterday on Media Works/ Werks commie radio station Radio Live (owned by Jewish billionaire Howard Marks).

In his interview on “diversity”, Dr Matthew Farry and /or his fellow guest stated and both agreed that white people in the USA often seem to forget how privileged they are and how easy they have been handed wealth (or words along those lines).

What this tax payer funded libtard seems to have missed, is that the wealthiest and most privileged people in the USA are in fact Jewish, not “white people”.

Is Dr Matthew Farry  simply stupid and failed to do his research, or is he a deliberate lying fraud?

The Daily Commie rang Dr Matthew Farry twice today to ask him why is spreading lies on nationwide radio and he hung up on us both times. The presumption being that he knows he is being less than accurate with the truth.

The fact that Jews own and control most of US banking, Hollywood, entertainment, porn, drug trafficking,and other industries is often covered up and / or ignored by ignorant and/or corrupt morons like Dr Farry, but one can research it for themselves from a multitude of good reliable sources online- here are a few:

Jewish Dominance Of America – Facts Are Facts

Fact Sheet: Jews Control America

Jewish control of the US Federal Reserve:

Forbes Israel boasts of power of Jewish billionaires

Jewish mafia drug trafficking

Jews control the porn industry- as a “secret weapon” against Western culture:

Even the Israeli Prime Minister admits that Jews control the USA:

And yet the uninformed and/or poorly educated Dr Farry missed this fact altogether and seems to blame “white people” for the record inequality in the USA. Nearly all billionaires in the USA are in fact Jewish and members of a slightly inbred bloodline that goes way back through history.

So we might well conclude that Dr Farry is either a corrupt liar or just plain stupid and failing in his fiduciary duty to use NZ tax payer funding to do adequate research and tell the truth.

He should clearly be fired and replaced with someone who is both honest and capable of doing adequate research in our opinion.

Our academia and Government are littered with these lying / corrupt and/or dishonest clowns however- which is why we see the Nation falling apart – by design.

We wonder what else this tax payer funded liar is also lying to the public and his students about?

How about the fact that Jews ran the black African slave trade into the USA? With all slave ships registered to wealthy Jewish families and businessmen?


Or how about the fact that an astounding number of the US Government throughout the past 15 years of illegal wars & genocide in the Middle East are  dual Israeli / US citizens?


Or how about the fact that Israelis were behind the 911 attacks in the USA in 2001? Not to mention Al Qaeda,  ISIS and all the wars since 911 – all wars for Israel/ God as they take over the Middle East with thier Saudi partners.

Here he is – the rather stupid, if not corrupt Dr Farry – who helps spread  lies to his students with NZ tax payer funding….

This lying moron is right about one thing though- it doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight, black, yellow or white, or even a soulless satanic reptilian. What really matters in life is that you  are honest and do not seek to lie or harm others. Dr Matthew Farry is clearly still struggling with that last part.

We invite Dr Matthew Farry of Unitec to correct himself. On air to the Nation.




German Town of 100 to get 750 Muslim ‘Refugees’

Angela Merkel (Commie/ Zionist) still covering up 911 and who really did it- but happy to import 10’s of thousands of refugees – with one town of 100 pop getting 750 – without warning….

“German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102 people to take in approximately 750 migrants from Syria and other countries, The New York Times wrote Saturday.

Sumte, a small town at the western fringe of the former East Germany, was informed earlier this month by its municipal government that it had been assigned to accept over a thousand of the asylum seekers that have poured into Germany over the course of 2015. The number was so high that mayor Christian Fabel first thought it was a joke, but after a storm of local protest, the figure was lowered to 750, not out of sympathy but because it was believed a thousand would overwhelm the town’s sewage system.”

Read more:

Did the All Blacks use stolen AIG money to win the Rugby World Cup?

The short answer is yes.

AIG was bailed out during the staged 2008 Global Financial Crisis with money stolen from US tax payers- 1000’s of whom ended up homeless. $182 billion stolen by Jewish controlled AIG alone, straight out of the pockets of struggling middle class American tax payers. Theft on a grand scale.

A miniature Holocaust of types that ruined lives and destroyed families right across the US and even in NZ where 10’s of thousands of elderly hard working Kiwis lost their entire savings funds.

aig-bailout money

Jewish owned AIG took the stolen money, gave all their top Jewish executives bonuses worth 10’s of millions of dollars – and then promptly showed up in New Zealand with bags of that stolen money and sponsored the NZ All Blacks.

If they had any pride at all- they would have turned down that money. What sort of message does it send to future generations when the All Blacks take stolen money to try and win a Cup? Is this what the NZ youth should strive for? Winning at any cost, even if it means stealing money and ruining the lives of others?

We now have the NZ Black Caps players bribing and fixing matches- and the All Blacks using stolen money to show off their skills.

This is what happens to the morals of a Nation that gets taken over by the Global Banking Mafia – the fish starts rotting from the head down.

The story of American International Group explains the larger catastrophe not because this was the biggest corporate bailout in history but because AIG’s collapse and subsequent rescue involved nearly all the critical elements, including delusion and deception. These financial dealings are monstrously complicated, but this account focuses on something mere mortals can understand—moral confusion in high places, and the failure of governing institutions to fulfill their obligations to the public.”

‘Jewish banks masterminded crisis’,7340,L-3611260,00.html



24 Facts About 9-11

9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world.

There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why.

To this day about 1/3 of Americans do not believe the official story.

In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11

Is Annette King a Heroin Trafficker?

A quote from a book available on Amazon – and various video interviews from the web.

“So she’s a prostitute lesbian paedophile . . . and then in order for New Zealand to join NATO, she had to traffic 10 kilograms of NATO’s heroin which she did, through the Minister of Justice, Annette King, who gave it to the Police, and then Annette King became the Minister of Police”
